U.S. Cellular and YWCA Knoxville hosted a ribbon-cutting on Sept. 19 to celebrate the opening of the U.S. Cellular Technology Center at the organization’s downtown location. U.S. Cellular funded $10,000 to complete the project.
“At U.S. Cellular, we want to positively impact the communities where our associates work, live and play,” said Nathan Waddell, U.S. Cellular director of sales for Tennessee. “We believe in the mission of YWCA Knoxville and the organization’s commitment to help women in need. We hope this additional technology will benefit the women residents.”

U.S. Cellular and YWCA Knoxville celebrate the Monday, Sept. 19, opening of the U.S. Cellular Technology Center at YWCA Knoxville Downtown Center. Pictured, from left, are: Alle Lilly, executive director of YWCA Knoxville, Karen Haywood and Cathy Shackleford, both of U.S. Cellular, and Maggie McNally of YWCA Knoxville.
The U.S. Cellular Technology Center will provide a place for YWCA Keys of Hope Women’s Housing Program residents to prepare for upcoming job interviews and stay connected to opportunities for career growth, as well as complete on-site job training.
U.S. Cellular provided a total of $10,000 to fund the technology center, with $8,000 used for cutting-edge technology, including tablets, computers, webcams, and headsets. The remaining $2,000 furnished the space with a conference table, desks and chairs. Samsung donated two flat-screen televisions to complete the space.

The U.S. Cellular Technology Center is outfitted with several devices to promote career growth for the women residents of the YWCA Knoxville Downtown Center location, including a 60-inch flat-screen smart TV which was donated by Samsung.
“The YWCA is deeply grateful for this generous contribution from U.S. Cellular,” YWCA Knoxville Executive Director Alle Lilly said. “This technology will benefit our residents in so many ways as we assist them with interview and career preparation. Having these tools readily accessible to our residents helps level the playing field as they work to gain employment and become self-sufficient.”
Over the past couple of weeks, U.S. Cellular associates volunteered time to prepare the facility and devices for the residents. The Keys of Hope Women’s Housing Program provides women with safe, affordable housing and counseling for up to two years, empowering them to overcome significant life obstacles and achieve personal and career success.
About U.S. Cellular
U.S. Cellular is the fifth-largest full-service wireless carrier in the United States, providing national network coverage and industry-leading innovations designed to elevate the customer experience. The Chicago-based carrier has a strong line-up of cutting-edge devices that are all backed by a high-quality network in big and small cities and rural communities, and currently, 99 percent of customers have access to 4G LTE speeds. U.S. Cellular was named a J.D. Power and Associates Customer Champion in 2014 for the third time in four years. To learn more about U.S. Cellular, visit one of its retail stores or uscellular.com. To get the latest news, promos and videos, connect with U.S. Cellular on Facebook.com/uscellular, Twitter.com/uscellular and YouTube.com/uscellularcorp.