May 22, 2013
For more information,
Contact: Amanda Shell
Moxley Carmichael
(865) 255-0661
LDA Engineering has been selected to lead the team to develop and recommend a green infrastructure master plan for the City of Chattanooga to complement traditional “gray” infrastructure, namely man-made sewer and stormwater structures, with sustainable green alternatives.
“We are honored to be selected to develop Chattanooga’s green infrastructure master plan,” said Jason Brooks, president and CEO of LDA Engineering. “Green infrastructure is an important component of the overall plan to create cost-effective, sustainable solutions to issues created by stormwater runoff and sewer overflows. I applaud the City of Chattanooga for its forward-thinking policies and plans to include green infrastructure. Our project will provide a road map where additional green infrastructure projects can enhance both green and gray initiatives already in place in Chattanooga’s public works and water resources departments.”
By using green infrastructure as part of the overall solution, the City of Chattanooga can reduce the operating, maintenance and capital improvement costs of collecting and treating the additional stormwater. The Green Infrastructure Master Plan will further Chattanooga’s mission to achieve 100 percent compliance with the federal and state clean water laws by improving water quality infrastructure to address existing or anticipated problems.
“LDA Engineering is grateful for the close working relationship with the City of Chattanooga’s Stormwater, Water Quality, Waste Resources and Engineering staff. LDA’s highly-experienced group of engineers looks forward to growing that relationship to deliver innovative solutions to Chattanooga,” said Brooks.
The comprehensive green infrastructure plan will complement the use of traditional gray infrastructure, such as storm drains, sewer systems and storage faclitilities with green alternatives, including rain gardens, rain barrels, grass buffers or other sustainable options. LDA Engineering will carefully consider multiple aspects including social, economic and environmental factors in recommending the best plan of action to improve Chattanooga’s wastewater and stormwater systems.
In addition to practically managing Chattanooga’s stormwater and wastewater, the green infrastructure master plan will seek solutions that enhance Chattanooga’s natural beauty, provide recreation for Chattanooga residents and control traffic.
“The City’s wastewater and stormwater programs are about creating a better quality of life and future for the residents of Chattanooga,” said Brooks. “Through these programs, projects will be implemented to improve infrastructure that reduces sewer overflows and other pollutants from entering streams and the Tennessee River thereby protecting Chattanooga’s natural assets for this generation and the next.”
LDA Engineering has partnered with subcontractor Gresham, Smith and Partners, a multi-disciplinary design and consulting firm for the built environment, on the project. Work on the Green Infrastructure Master Plan is currently under way and is expected to conclude in 2014.
About LDA Engineering
LDA Engineering is an employee-owned firm based in East Tennessee with offices in Johnson City, Knoxville and Chattanooga focused on delivering engineering, operational, and management solutions to infrastructure challenges for water, wastewater and stormwater in East Tennessee. Established as Lamar Dunn & Associates Inc. (LD&A) in 1982, LDA Engineering’s innovative solutions to water-related problems continually earn national recognition from industry organizations, such as the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC).