Oct. 20, 2015
For more information, contact:
Rachel Dellinger, KSO Director of Communications
Direct: 865-521-2317 Cell: 865-660-3037
[email protected]
The Knoxville Symphony Orchestra will perform for more than 8,500 elementary students as part of its annual series of five Young People’s Concerts on October 28-30 at the Knoxville Civic Auditorium. “Picture This!” is an educational program designed for students in 3rd through 5th grades. The Sheena McCall Young People’s Concerts are October 28-29 at 9:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. and October 30 at 9:30 a.m. The 9:30 a.m. shows offer an excellent photo & video opportunity.
Young People’s Concerts (YPCs)–a 60+ year tradition at the KSO–are full symphonic performances designed just for kids. KSO Resident Conductor James Fellenbaum conducts the concerts for 8,500 students from Knox and surrounding counties. This presentation will explore concepts that are shared between art and music like line and melody, color in art and the different “color” of each instrument’s sound, form and movement. The YPCs are sponsored by Sheena M. McCall, the Rotary Club of Knoxville, SmartBank, Akima Club, Coldwell Banker, Wallace & Wallace, Connor Concepts, IMS, Parker Business Consulting and Emmett Vaughan Lumber.
“The program “Picture This!” is an excellent way for elementary-aged children to experience the symphony, and learn about how art can be found in music,” said KSO Resident Conductor James Fellenbaum. “We will explore how music, like art, expresses at color, movement, and impressionistic tone. Not only will students hear what music sounds like, but — through our use of video projection and imagination– they can see visually what music can create. Cartoonist Charlie Daniel will sketch live on stage to help explore movement in Beethoven’s third symphony. Go Contemporary Dance Works will be featured on “Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks” from Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. Area music educators will lead students as they sing along with the KSO and student artwork will be featured as they interpret “Baba Yaga (the Hut on Hen’s Legs)” and the “Great Gate of Kiev” also from Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition.
These concerts are attended by school and home schooled groups from Knox and surrounding counties and are open to the general public for $6 per person. For more information about the KSO’s education programs, please visit www.knoxvillesymphony.com.
About the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra
Established in 1935, the KSO has contributed to the cultural life in East Tennessee continuously for 80 years, providing excellence in musical and educational programs. The Orchestra consists of 80 professional musicians and performs 250 programs throughout the region each season, reaching audiences of more than 200,000 people. The KSO performs in traditional venues such as the Tennessee Theatre, Bijou Theatre and the Civic Auditorium as well as non-traditional places like hospitals, schools, city parks and churches. The KSO is currently undergoing the search for a new Music Director, to be announced in 2016. For more information please visit knoxvillesymphony.com.