April 3, 2013
For more information,
Contact: Amanda Shell
Moxley Carmichael
(865) 255-0661

KCDC Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Culver Schmid shakes hands with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Field Office Director Ed Ellis as Schmid take the stage to share KCDC’s vision for revitalized affordable housing in Five Points at a ceremony on April 1 in Paul Hogue Park.
Knoxville’s Community Development Corporation (KCDC) Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Culver Schmid shared a vision of a revitalized Five Points and celebrated progress made in affordable housing at an event hosted by KCDC and the city of Knoxville’s Community Development Department on April 1 in Paul Hogue Park.
“With the help of our community partners, we have made significant steps towards breathing new life into Five Points,” Schmid said to a group of 50 community leaders. “We believe our approach to redeveloping housing in Five Points is sound. Hope VI and Mechanicsville is one of our biggest revitalization successes in Knoxville, and I believe we can do the same in Five Points.”
At the event, Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero and Schmid gave a brief overview of the work that has already been done in Five Points and detailed plans for future development. The celebration event was part of National Community Development Week hosted by the city of Knoxville’s Community Development Department.
“Cities are great if they have great neighborhoods,” said Mayor Rogero at the ceremony. “The city of Knoxville remains committed to the revitalization of Five Points and is partnering with KCDC in this effort.”
The city of Knoxville has committed $8 million over 10 years to the project.
U.S. Department of Urban Development Field Office Director Ed Ellis also spoke at the ceremony commending the work that has been done in Five Points in spite of decreasing federal dollars for affordable housing. “Five Points is a good example of addressing the needs of a community despite facing obstacles,” he said.
Guests received a map of redevelopment in the area and participated in a self-guided tour of development programs in the area, including new infill housing KCDC is erecting in Five Points as part of the second phase of new public housing in the area.
“We are encouraged by the progress in Five Points, and we’re thrilled to join with the city of Knoxville to celebrate the steps that have been made towards revitalizing this neighborhood,” said KCDC Executive Director and CEO Alvin Nance. “In the past month, we have opened up a new duplex that has already been leased to two families and a single-family residence.”
These units are part of 15 family-style, in-fill housing units currently being constructed in Five Points on multiple lots. Plans call for three duplexes, two single-family residences and two six-plex residences, which will be managed by KCDC.
In 2011, KCDC opened the Residences at Eastport, an 85-unit, LEED Platinum certified senior housing development in Five Points. Senior housing duplexes were also added in 2011 adding an additional twenty housing units to the community.
In August, 183 units of Walter P. Taylor were demolished as part of a first phase to replace older public housing in Five Points with new units. All told, more than 105 units have been added to this community to replace these units, and 17 more units are currently planned.
KCDC facilitated public meetings in 2012 with Five Points community partners to continue the discussion about revitalization and gather input from residents about redevelopment in the community.
About KCDC
KCDC is the housing authority and redevelopment agency for Knoxville. Since 1936, KCDC has been dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for the citizens of Knoxville. For more information, visit http://www.kcdc.org.