DECEMBER 10, 2013
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Laura Lualhati, U.S. Cellular
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From left, Lawrence Brewer, Cassandra May-Mynatt and Traci Cash of U.S. Cellular present Brickey-McCloud Vice Principal Denna Grogan, Principal Robbie Norman and Knox County Chief Academic Officer Dr. Elizabeth Alves with $25,000.
Students, teachers and administrators at Brickey McCloud Elementary School and Powell Elementary School in Knox County as well as Seymour Intermediate School in Sever County are each $25,000 richer today after being named a 2013 Champion in U.S. Cellular’s (NYSE: USM) Calling All Communities campaign. The winning schools garnered the most community votes and each won $25,000 to use as they wish to enhance their educational experience.
“I want to thank U.S. Cellular for its investment and commitment to supporting K-12 education in Tennessee and across the nation,” Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam said. “These schools and their teachers, parents and community supporters should be proud of the work they have done to earn this recognition, and I know they will put this money to good use.”

From left, Jeff Tidwell and Jack Brundige of U.S. Cellular present Powell Elementary School Principal Reba Lane and Vice Principal Karen Frost with $25,000.
The 20 winners in U.S. Cellular’s (NYSE: USM) 2013 Calling All Communities campaign were revealed today in a video that was posted on the company’s website ( North Carolina topped the list with four winning schools. Iowa, Tennessee and Wisconsin tallied three winners. Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Missouri, Nebraska, Texas and West Virginia had one winner apiece to round out the list of 2013 champions.
More than 37,000 votes were cast during the 2013 campaign. Small schools with less than 50 students like Dubuque Lutheran School and Valley Lutheran High School engaged their local community as did large schools with more than 1,000 students like Brickey McCloud Elementary School and Hamilton High School. Of the winners, 14 are public schools and six are private schools. Fairview Elementary School in Auburn, Maine and Notre Dame Catholic School in Wichita Falls, Texas are the first ever Calling All Communities campaign winners in their states.

From left, Seymour Middle School Vice Principal Mary Manners; Seymour Intermediate Principal Peggy Oakes; Autumn Galyon and Shirley Clepper of U.S. Cellular Authorized Agent Network Technologies; and U.S. Cellular Agent Sales Manager Martin Burgess celebrate Seymour Intermediate School winning $25,000 from the U.S. Cellular Calling All Communities campaign.
“We congratulate all the schools that were able to rally their local communities to support their efforts,” said Jack Brundige, director of sales for U.S. Cellular in Tennessee. “We can’t wait to hear about how all the schools plan to use the winnings they worked so hard to earn.”
Since Calling All Communities began in 2008, U.S. Cellular has now awarded a total of $1,025,000 among 14 Tennessee schools, including this year’s three winners in the state.
“Our local team of associates is so proud that U.S. Cellular has given more than $1 million to Tennessee schools through the Calling All Communities program,” Brundige said. “It’s a testament to the school spirit and community-wide efforts here in the Volunteer State.”
Here are the 2013 Calling All Communities Champions, each winning $25,000:
• Brickey McCloud Elementary School, Knoxville, Tenn.
• Centennial Elementary School, Polo, Ill.
• Dubuque Lutheran School, Dubuque, Iowa
• Edison Elementary School, Appleton, Wis.
• Fairview Elementary School, Auburn, Maine
• Hamilton High School, Sussex, Wis.
• Immaculate Conception St. Joseph School, Gilbertville, Iowa
• McPherson Middle School, McPherson, Kansas
• Notre Dame Catholic School, Wichita Falls, Texas
• Powell Elementary School, Powell, Tenn.
• Rosedale Elementary School, Oak Hill, W.Va.
• Sunset Park Elementary School, Wilmington, N.C.
• St. Joseph Cathedral School, Jefferson City, Mo.
• Seymour Intermediate School, Seymour, Tenn.
• St. Pius X/St. Leo School, Omaha, Neb.
• Valley Lutheran High School, Cedar Falls, Iowa
• Van Buren Elementary School, Janesville, Wis.
• W Jesse Gurganus Elementary School, Havelock, N.C.
• Williston Middle School of Math, Science and Technology, Wilmington, N.C.
• White Oak Elementary School, Edenton, N.C.
Since the program began in 2008, U.S. Cellular has awarded $4.5 million to 76 schools across the country for them to use however they see fit to impact the education of students. For more information about U.S. Cellular and Calling All Communities, visit
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U.S. Cellular rewards its customers with unmatched benefits and industry-leading innovations designed to elevate the customer experience. The Chicago-based carrier has a strong line-up of cutting-edge devices that are all backed by its high-speed network that has the highest call quality of any national carrier. Currently, 81 percent of customers have access to 4G LTE speeds and nearly 90 percent will have access by the end of 2013. U.S. Cellular was named a J.D. Power and Associates Customer Service Champion in 2012 for the second year in a row. To learn more about U.S. Cellular, visit one of its retail stores or To get the latest news, promos and videos, connect with U.S. Cellular on, and